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July 28, 2002
    jQuizShow v1.0 has been released! There are still some unresolved focus issues regarding running on JRE 1.4 but this can be worked around by simply clicking on the "Game Screen" window border in order to give that window the focus -- then all should work fine. Hopefully, the next release of JRE 1.4.x (or jQuizShow) will fix this, but in the meantime, v1.0 has been released. Enjoy!

July 7, 2002
    The weekend has come and gone. I have a workaround that works for the most part on JRE 1.4, but the key events still occassionally gets lost when the focus changes. I am investigating other means for fixing this problem. From the Java "bugs" list, others have been having similar difficulties with key event handler changes between JRE 1.3.1 and JRE 1.4.

July 3, 2002
    The author of the music, Rob Kirkwood (http://www.visibleform.co.uk/), has granted me a special license allowing me to use his music for the jQuizShow (Thank you, Rob!). It will be released as an add-on library for the jQuizShow; this is necessary so that his music would not fall under the GNU GPL license. Modifications to jQuizShow have been made to support this.

    A problem with keyboard events being dropped has been uncovered while testing jQuizShow with JRE 1.4 on Windows; this problem did not occur under 1.3.1. I am looking into a fix for this and *hopefully* I will be able to fix it and release jQuizShow this weekend. Stay tuned!

June 5, 2002
    The game has been tested on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms so far and appear to be working fine. Documentation is in work, slowly...

    I have received some feedback from people interested in the game. One request was for support for internationalization. This will the first priority for the 1.2 release (1.1.x will be the development version). Meanwhile, the 1.0 release will include limited internationalization support, primarily Unicode or other encoding for the question database file. The rest of the game will be fully internationalized in 1.2.

    I have come up with some of my own (poor) sound effects/music for some of the game events. I also located some excellent royalty-free music that I would like to use for the background music for the game. Currently, I am negotiating with the author for permission to release his music with the game. Stay tuned!

    The game is basically ready for release. Just awaiting the decision regarding the music, fixing some bugs, and tweaking the UI...

May 4, 2002
    A few things need to be done before it will be ready for general release. These include:

    • Adding non-copyrighted sound effects/loops
    • Removing a few platform dependencies
    • Providing some form of installer package
    • Documentation, documentation, documentation...

    More than likely, the sound effect/loops will be lacking when it is first released unless I can get some help with them (hint, hint). The original sound effects I had with the jQuizShow were recorded from the TV show, and thus, they cannot be used in a GNU GPL release without violating copyright laws.

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