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jQuizShow Project


At present, there are two forms of documentation -- in-game and online.

In-game documentation

The in-game documentation is fairly rudimentary, providing only basic information regarding the jQuizShow game and how to play it. It is accessible via the "Help" menu in the jQuizShow game. There are plans to include the online HTML documentation with the jQuizShow release once I have some time to put together an installer package.

Online documentation

The online documentation, which is accessible via this web page, contains detailed information on using and configuring jQuizShow. Note, however, that the online documentation is a work-in-progress. Sections will be added as time allows (the primary obstacle), when priorities relax, or as requested by users (i.e. you!). Thus, sections of this documentation may be empty or incomplete. Please be patient!

With this caveat in mind, the online documentation may be viewed HERE.

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